Laura K. Curtis: Contemporary Romance, Romantic Suspense, Crime Fiction

Romance and Fantasy vs. Reality

Here we are again, in a familiar place for readers and writers of romance—with someone denigrating both romance fiction and its readership. This time, it's Kelly Bohan, an intern at the Missouri Review, who decided for some unknown reason to critique a genre she...

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New Site!

You may have noticed that a couple of things are missing from my blog...the "About" and "Bibliography" are gone.  That's because they've moved to my brand new site at Check it out! I think it looks grand!

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My RWA 2013 in Pictures

I'll no doubt have more to say about RWA in coming weeks when my brain has settled somewhat, but first, a brief glimpse at my experience. I arrived on Wednesday, got checked in, and met up with friends for dinner. After that, we went out to the Smart Bitches reader...

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On the Indescribable Nature of Pain

Pain is a peculiar thing, at the same time universal and utterly individual. If I say I am hungry, most people have a general sense of what I mean. If I say I am tired, they can probably not only sympathize, but empathize. But if I tell you my back hurts, or I have a...

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New Business Cards!

In a few weeks, with a little luck, I will be rolling out a new website. This blog will still be right where it is, but at the moment when you go to it just redirects you to the blog--that won't happen anymore. Instead, there will be a whole actual...

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Politics, Unusual.

Once upon a time, in the early days of blogging, back when you had to install software on a server to have a blog, I had one. It was required for my job as an admin for an academic computing lab. I hated it. I felt as if I had nothing to say and no one was listening....

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A Young Writer

This week I was on vacation, and most of my talking was done with beach denizens like the one pictured above. But I also had a few conversation with family members. One of the best was with my niece, sitting at the very bench this mutt is occupying. My sister asked me...

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Hasta La Pasta – Gluten Allergy Dining Cards

If you've checked out my recipes you may have noticed that they're gluten free. Several months ago, I discovered that if I didn't eat gluten, I didn't get hives or the little blisters/ulcers I used to get in my mouth all the time. At first it was hard. I mean, you're...

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