What is haunting young Liza Prescott?
Molly Allworth has been in service since leaving college when her mother died. Still, her situation is getting desperate and when the agency offers her a position that sounds too good to be true, she cannot resist.
Soon she finds herself in a remote house in Maine, caring for a little girl who swore she saw her mother’s ghost…before she stopped speaking entirely. Nathaniel Prescott, the child’s father, thinks any belief in the supernatural is absurdly credulous. Molly’s history and heritage, however, have given her a wider view.
There’s a significant bonus for Molly if she lasts the year. But as winter closes in and mysterious, often creepy events begin to occur, even her growing affection for Nathaniel and Liza may not be enough to make her stay.
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An unnerving ghost story that’s grounded by persuasive characters and stirring melodrama.
— Kirkus Reviews
A Darker Shade is the best kind of page-turner. […] highly suspenseful, with rich atmosphere and real emotion on every page. I highly recommend!
–Nancy Bilyeau, International Bestselling Author of The Blue
Sharply plotted, exquisitely written, and sometimes bone-chillingly frightening. Highly recommended.
— Brendan DuBois, award-winning and New York Times bestselling author
A Darker Shade is a haunted house story in the best possible way for horror fans…filled with many secrets and an unfolding family history that is both tragic and horrifying.–Penny Watson, award-winning author
— Leanna Renee Hieber, award-winning & bestselling author of the Strangely Beautiful and Spectral City series